Monday, July 23, 2007

cocktail builder

Of course out of a listing of 20something websites, I go straightaway to the cocktail builder(Didn't you say this should be fun!) Anyway, I find this to be a very informative and useful website with many applications. There is absolutely nothing to dislike about it and it is very easy to use.(Handy, since most people using it may find it difficult to read anything that is too hard..or blurry..or really read much at all.?.) I think it could have many useful library applications especially on those days when the day at the library has been too hard and long and your "favorite patrons" have especially overstayed their visit that day. Or possibly an effective use would be at the upcoming staff day, I think we would all enjoy that.

Seriously, in keeping with the theme of fun things, I love Google maps. I think that is a great device and very useful. People use it everyday and sometimes you need a little something other than Mapquest.

What I didn't find useful was the 43 things. Stuff like that amazes me. Instead of writing down an imagined life for yourself on the internet for everyone to read, hello, get out there and do all those things that you are writing. If reading that kind of stuff interests you, then you seriously need to get going in life instead of just sittng somewhere reading it off a computer.

I am shocked that MySpace didn't win an award, like Attracts most predators or Creates best fantasy world for teenagers.

Google docs

You know how Oprah puts something she likes on her favorite things show and then people buy it like crazy? That is how I feel about Google docs. If I had a show and people saw this, people would love this!! When I start writing my great American novel and I my laptop gets stolen on the flight to my summer home in the south of France, this would totally have saved my life!! Hello, wakeup, snap back to reality. Seriously, this is a really great tool that I can see is very useful for everyone...everybody types, right? It would really help us when someone is waiting for a computer to type and 3 of our 5 computers don't have the Office suite on it. Really, really great idea!

Friday, July 20, 2007

sandbox wiki

Ok, I don't love technology but this is something that I couldn't get to work therefore, I hate it! I followed the directions to the letter and all the rules so when it said I had encountered an edit block and that I may erase other's changes, I stopped for fear of messing up something major. Anyway, I added my blog to the favorite list and posted a comment but I didn't add a page label because of the block. I really honestly feel that someone who would use this has way too much time on their hands.


I really liked looking at all the wikis and I can see that it would very useful to libraries. My favs that I think are the most useful are; having a community resource page listed with the subject guide on the first wiki. It is nice to have community resouces all listed in one place for us and patrons to refer to. I think the book lovers wiki is good but after all the 23 things I've done, I think booklists are maybe a little over done. The best and most interesting wiki for me is the library success wiki which has an amazing amount of info on it, but the best is the EZ library programs database...lots of good ST ideas.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Library 2.0

I read all the perspectives and there were a few things that I came away with. First, I agree with the sentiments issued in the second perspective about having the "Techno worship" phenomenon occur. I think that often times, it is just a cool thing to say or do...My library has this or that and it is not really something that is utilized, just a cool thing to "Get". The fourth perspective further elaborates, basically saying we should not acquire technology just to see if we could do it, but does it have a purpose?? That is what I am asking myself with each of these 23 things...does this have a purpose?? Would I use this? Most of the time, I have to say that I wouldn't because the process is too time consuming. So I feel that if I think it is not practical, the majority of the library population we serve will think so as well. I also, however think we should know all about this stuff to become familiar and to raise the bar so to speak. (If we had a class on creating MYSPACE pages, that would probably be all the computer training we would need out here in BR.) Amazon and Google are really the model for usefulness because they are very easy and user friendly. If you can turn on a computer, you can use their sites. Most of the time, I feel bogged down in all the stuff that these other sites entail like, it won't let me on/in because I forgot my PIN, pasword, user name...fill in the blank. It has to be easy for people to use.

I like that the fifth perspective addresses Library superstars which I think is great because while I know the article is talking about technology, I still think that the library should always be filled with superstars and I know more often than not when a patron askes a question we are not finished with them until they are filled with tons of information about their query. I think that the technology is great and EXTREMELY useful but happy, willing faces make library employees "Superstars." We are not the MVA, people!

Anyway, the fifth perspective I find to be a humorous one. I know people want us to drift toward the B&N, Borders model of reading and coffee drinking cafe and I do think that is a'coming...but the idea that we are a "knowledge spa" is frankly hilarious. And just for the record, I will not be doing any foot massages here...patrons will be having to visit another "knowledge spa" for that bit of luxury. Ha Ha!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Technorati was very interesting to me because I found a couple of disgruntled people having to do learning2.0 and aren't the least bit concerned to have their coworkers/supervisors read the comments they are writing!! (Some guy from OHIO really hates this.)

Anyway, I looked at the top favorited blog which was a directory of wonderful things which I found unimpressive, the top search was youtube, which doesn't surprise me because everyone in America looks at that stuff, and the top blog was engadget which explains all the new techie things that I don't even pretend to understand. (I'm sure I will never own an iphone so it was all Greek to me.) But it was fun to see other blogs from other systems... it lets you know we are all in this together and is something I probably would not have seen unless someone directed me there.


Okay, so I skipped all the dots and spaces in the name but who needs those, right? Anyway, after having navigated through another cool website, I must say I need to create a website that manages all my accounts, pin numbers, and in one click takes me to all the accounts, blogs, library things and RSS feeds that I have signed up for in this process. I may have to Delicious myself!!

It is cool to see what everyone has bookmarked for themselves. I think this should make it super easy for candidates running for office to see what Americans are really interested in! Seriously, have ya'll seen all this stuff???

Monday, July 2, 2007

Is this the Link?

Hopefully, The Rollyo Link

It took forever to get the link to work for some reason but here it is!!! I think this could be very useful if you were "Techie" enough to navigate it. For me, I would rather just Google it!! "Rollyo, hard...Google, easy."

Actually, THE LINK

Library thing link

Here is my link to my Library thing library. I tried to choose books that I like that make me seem highly brilliant and well read but I find I wasn't really so successful. I will say that I thought this was fun.

23 things - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more