Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One more thing...

I was thinking that I do not know why we did not do MYSPACE or Facebook as one of the 23 things since that is what 75% of our patrons use the computer for so I think they would perhaps have been more useful to us in the library than Rollyo, which for the record is useless. Thanks for reading my 2 cents.

Monday, August 20, 2007

23 things

I must say that I have really enjoyed doing this program. I explored things on the internet that I would have never seen or gone to for any other reason other than I had to for this project. I liked how it was broken up because I like to organize myself sequentially just like that when I have a job to complete. My favorite things were Youtube, which I have heard a lot about but never have been to on my own. I love Google docs which I think is one of the smartest ideas ever. I am all for making expensive software obselete. It was very good to learn what a RSS feed is even if I never go back and look at my account again. I would say that I had fun looking at things that may very well help me with a patron and things I would never have looked at myself. The fact that I am writing that I liked this program is very unexpected because I am not very good with the latest technology, mostly because I have absolutely no patience but I thought this was pretty informative and fun.


I have to say that I am a book person and I don't have a MP3 player so this isn't really up my alley. I think it could be very useful if you need some text from a book and you don't have the book handy. I tried a bunch of titles and a lot of what I want to read isn't even in the list but I am sure it is getting bigger all the time. I know that when we first got this there seemed to be a lot of interest in it at Brunswick and now people don't ask about it as much. My guess is if this is something they were interested in, they are already using it. Some people(like me) like that good old book in your hand.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


After I searched through mountains of podcasts, I added the rock and roll librarian to my RSS feed. I think that it is pretty cool to listen to and read but I can't imagine having the time to incorporate all that into my daily living. I hadn't even looked back at my RSS feeds since I put the first one I put in. I saw a bunch of books online and some booktalk things that may be useful for book groups so that may be one good use for this service.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Hello, this is a major time consumer. Why is it so addictive to watch other people be crazy? It's like a train wreck you just can't turn your head away from. Anyway, I thought I would try to educate myself a little and so I watched some of the Democratic Debate. I can't even believe how great a tool that is. Maybe more people will be interested in choosing our leaders if they get to ask their own questions.
I think there are lots of applications for this technology in libraries. I think it would be fun to create advertisements for our libraries on there just to see how funny and creative we could be. I bet everyone would love to watch the Wild Librarian Show.

Monday, July 23, 2007

cocktail builder

Of course out of a listing of 20something websites, I go straightaway to the cocktail builder(Didn't you say this should be fun!) Anyway, I find this to be a very informative and useful website with many applications. There is absolutely nothing to dislike about it and it is very easy to use.(Handy, since most people using it may find it difficult to read anything that is too hard..or blurry..or really read much at all.?.) I think it could have many useful library applications especially on those days when the day at the library has been too hard and long and your "favorite patrons" have especially overstayed their visit that day. Or possibly an effective use would be at the upcoming staff day, I think we would all enjoy that.

Seriously, in keeping with the theme of fun things, I love Google maps. I think that is a great device and very useful. People use it everyday and sometimes you need a little something other than Mapquest.

What I didn't find useful was the 43 things. Stuff like that amazes me. Instead of writing down an imagined life for yourself on the internet for everyone to read, hello, get out there and do all those things that you are writing. If reading that kind of stuff interests you, then you seriously need to get going in life instead of just sittng somewhere reading it off a computer.

I am shocked that MySpace didn't win an award, like Attracts most predators or Creates best fantasy world for teenagers.

Google docs

You know how Oprah puts something she likes on her favorite things show and then people buy it like crazy? That is how I feel about Google docs. If I had a show and people saw this, people would love this!! When I start writing my great American novel and I my laptop gets stolen on the flight to my summer home in the south of France, this would totally have saved my life!! Hello, wakeup, snap back to reality. Seriously, this is a really great tool that I can see is very useful for everyone...everybody types, right? It would really help us when someone is waiting for a computer to type and 3 of our 5 computers don't have the Office suite on it. Really, really great idea!