Monday, August 20, 2007

23 things

I must say that I have really enjoyed doing this program. I explored things on the internet that I would have never seen or gone to for any other reason other than I had to for this project. I liked how it was broken up because I like to organize myself sequentially just like that when I have a job to complete. My favorite things were Youtube, which I have heard a lot about but never have been to on my own. I love Google docs which I think is one of the smartest ideas ever. I am all for making expensive software obselete. It was very good to learn what a RSS feed is even if I never go back and look at my account again. I would say that I had fun looking at things that may very well help me with a patron and things I would never have looked at myself. The fact that I am writing that I liked this program is very unexpected because I am not very good with the latest technology, mostly because I have absolutely no patience but I thought this was pretty informative and fun.

1 comment:

James said...

congrats on finishing the 23 things!

The fact that I am writing that I liked this program is very unexpected because I am not very good with the latest technology, mostly because I have absolutely no patience but I thought this was pretty informative and fun.

i thought that this was the most telling part of your recap. i keep reading on people's blogs that they don't consider themselves tech folks and they don't think they have patience--yet each of them has made it to the end of the program and found the tools worthwhile...except for rollyo :)

seriously, i'm glad that you found some things like google docs which made the program worthwhile to you and that you could share with patrons and other staff.

congratulations again on completing the program.

PS- i like your idea of creating a myspace module...maybe you can help us build it!