Monday, June 25, 2007


After I posted, I read somewhere that Rudy Giuliani has an RSS feed and I thought..."Oh my gosh, I know what that is!!!" Will wonders never cease?


Is the word "simple" really in this title? I signed up for all the feeds that looked cool to me and I hope it works!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The process of Warholizing was pretty easy to do. I used some pictures already on the computer and made the man in the moon look pretty great.

Looking at the great blogs of my colleagues, I realize I have quite alot to day I'll get a picture on here.

ankor wat library

I found this really great picture of the library in the ancient city of Ankor Wat, Cambodia . Very cool!

Monday, June 11, 2007

test post

Wow! I feel like this is therapy. I chance to discuss my best and worst. I think the easiest thing for me is identifying the goal and the hardest would be the technology end of it. I am still a "hold the book in your hand" type person.